Abstract submissions are now closed.
We want to test whether a new experimental treatment T is better than a control treatment C in population P. The primary endpoint EP1 of interest is a time-to-event (TTE) endpoint (e.g. time-to-response). We are also interested in the event rates - measured by a binary endpoint EP2 - as well as a continuous biomarker EP3 that is expected to give an early signal of a treatment effect.
The current plan is to have a first interim analysis (IA 1) after n1 patients had a follow-up of at least 12 months. Another interim analysis (IA 2) is planned when biomarker data is available for n2 patients. The biomarker EP is measured 3 months after randomization. The final analysis should take place when n3 patients have been followed up for at least 6 months.
Question 1: How do we best control the familywise error rate (FWER)?
Question 2: Assume that recruitment was much faster than expected and that
a) IA 1 now coincides with IA 2, or
b) IA 1, IA 2 and final analysis coincide.
What are the implications on the FWER and the design overall?